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Thursday, 6 January 2011

Phew, What a Day

It's been a busy old couple of days here in my glitter & sparkle centre! Princess Kitchen is tackling bigger events (today being our first buffet for 32 covers) the clients were impressed with what they saw, fingers crossed it is as tasty as it did look when I dropped it off.

I seem to have taken a mission on without realising it of taking a photograph of my mainmeal each evening. Who knows why but I'll share some of this week's meals shortly.

The weather got me down today, quite literally too as I took a dive in a car park... ouch.

Bacon and Parmesean Spaghetti
Baked rice - a working lunch
Eggs, Chips & Beans
Tomorrow is an office bound day, so I'll be taking my usual soupy lunch tomorrow is my new concoction of Chicken minestrone the recipe can be found here:


  1. Oh, I shouldn't have looked at the "Eggs, Chips & Beans" cos now I'm going to have to go and cook one. That's another 1,000 cals. Tut.
