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Friday, 26 July 2013

Days 4 & 5: A Double Post

Two days for the price of one you lucky people.

So what have we been upto? I've been calorie counting, Thing 2 has been, after 2 years, discharged from Speech Therapy, Thing 1 has been his current morngy self. I had a friend come over to do me some chunky highlights.
I fancied a swaparoo, so hit the red dye with abandon! What do you think?

Mr C and myself actually got around to watching a film... I know! It took about 3 goes but we did it. Flipping kids and their anti-bedtime issues. It does help that we are now at a low on our tv shows, we're waiting for them to kick off again in September. I class new seasons and series as a birthday present. I'm getting rather impatient for the return of Arrow and wondering who will pick up the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series in the UK. Are you seeing a theme here? I'm rather a super hero fan! DC Comic and Marvel are my favourites and if you can bring in a bit of Doctor Who (50th Anniversary anyone?) or some Joss Whedon I'm a very happy girl. This year I want to embrace Anime more this year and finally find a game I like to play that isn't a beat 'em up!

This morning we ventured to the coast, it's that long since I'd been on the beach in Bridlington that I had forgotten just how stoney it is. Mr C showed the boys how to skim stones, then ducked for cover as the directionally challenged pair sent an array of stones in every direction except onto the water.

Fractionally less stressful for me, as I kept my distance at the end sat on the rocks! One day I'll work out how to zoom on my phone! New camera app ahoy!

We ambled back home after a sandwich fest in the car park at Morrisons (! I have told you we're rock'n'roll parents). We got in, I made a coffee, sat down to drink it and fell asleep on contact oops.

Plans for the rest of today? Pizza and beer and another film features quite heavily. Could either be Sightseers or Movie 43 the jury is again out, completely different types of film with totally opposite budgets... what to choose?

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